Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that isn't answered below, please send us a message and we'll get back to you ASAP!

You can only see the link for master checklists if you have permission to create them, permissions to edit an existing one, or permissions to instantiate a checklist. Your organization's administrator or another checklist editor can grant you these permissions.

As an organization, you can decide whether you want to only allow administrators to create checklists, allow any users to create checklist, or allow a specific set of users to create new master checklists. These settings can be managed from the 'Permissions' section of the Organization menu.

Depending on how the task is configured in the master checklist, various actions may not be available at certain times. For example, if a task is configured to be dependent on the completion of 3 other tasks in the same checklist, you won't see the 'complete' button until those other 3 tasks have first been completed. It is also possible that you simply don't have permissions to complete that task, as master checklist editors can provide highly detailed settings for who can do what.

There are 5 ways you might be able to see a checklist.

  • You are an administrator for your organization, and can see ALL checklists.
  • You have permission to complete tasks on that checklist (either because you are specifically named or because it's open to all users)
  • You have specific permission to review tasks on a checklist.
  • You have been granted specific view-only permissions to a checklist, or all users have view permissions
  • You are an auditor for your org

If you expected to see a checklist that isn't there, you may need to consult with the master checklist editor to determine which permissions you are lacking.

A checklist may have many nested levels of tasks. If a task has subtasks, then it cannot be completed directly - it can only be completed by completing all of the subtasks. For calculating percent complete, we only count the actual number of tasks that can be completed directly.

Chances are it's because you completed the task yourself. We don't allow you to Review tasks you completed, even if you're an admin for your org.

Yes. However since instances of these checklists may fulfill audit or records retention requirements, you must be an administrator to delete an instance of a checklist.

Even as an administrator, a master checklist must be configured to allow manual instances.

Yes! We recommend giving them descriptions that are easily differentiated.

There are 3 different types of notifications you may receive from TotalChecklist.

  • Organization/User Notifications Your organization can choose to notify users whenever administrators/auditors change, new users sign up, or new users are invited.
  • Checklist Events You can be notified when a checklist is created, has begun, is overdue, and several other events. Navigate to the details page for a checklist to manage your preferences for all future instances of that checklist.
  • Task Events
  • You can be notified when a task is started, behind schedule, overdue, completed, skipped, reviewed, and several others. Navigate to the details page for a specific task to manage your preferences.

*From the checklist details page you can also set default subscriptions to any task in that checklist.

Starting a task does 2 things... It lets anybody else looking at this checklist know that you're working on a task, and it prevents anyone else from completing it. Only you will see the complete button unless you decide to stop working on the task.

General Users Permissions

You have the option to put users in an 'Auditors' role for your organization. Users in this role can see and click through instances of ANY checklist. However they will not be allowed to complete or review any tasks unless you grant them specific permissions to do so.

You can think of the master checklist as something like a template. Each time an instance of a checklist is created manually or by a schedule, it is built from the settings/tasks on the master checklist. You will never complete tasks on the master checklist directly - it simply contains the options used to create tasks/permissions in each instance.

If you were the first person in your organization to sign up for TotalChecklist, you are by default the administrator. Under the 'Organization' section of the main menu, choose 'Users.' Then you can invite users by entering their email addresses. When these users sign up, they will automatically be added to your organization.

You were assigned a brand new organization. Contact us so we can delete this organization and your current user account. You can then be invited by a different organization and sign up again.

If the master checklist is just a template, an 'instance' is simply occurrence of that template. Instances of a master checklist can be created manually, or can be created on a schedule. Modifying the master checklist only affects future instances of the checklist.

General Schedules

You can assign as many schedules as you want to the same master checklist. Each time the schedule is triggered, a new instance of the checklist will be created, using a description parameter that you specify in the schedule. Schedules fully support business days, time zones, and other complicated timing scenarios.